Friday, June 30, 2006

The Time is Coming

Well it is now eight minutes into Friday and the realization of how little time there is left before we leave is setting in. I have just started to pack and saturday night is going to be busy around my household. It is going to be stressfull the next few days , but once we are there it will be a great time of helping others, hearing the stories of the troubles the Gulf Coast has gone through, and bonding with the team. Continue to pray for those going and the families on the Gulf Coast. Pray that we will have an impact upon at least one life. Pray for those going that they may be prepared, and be ready for the 24 hour ride. Thanks for your continued support!

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Under a Week and Counting...

To add to the last post we are going back to Gulfport, Mississippi. We are going to leave Sunday, July 2nd at 8:30 a.m. from Delmarva Christian High School. We will arrive in Gulfport sometime around 8:30 a.m. Yes, that means we have 24 hours on a bus or in a truck. We are planning to, Monday afternoon, ride around, look at the destruction and take a look at our job sites to know what we are faced with on Tuesday we will work through the week and take off on Saturday for a day of break. On Sunday we will attend the First Presbyterian Church in Gulfport(which was being held in the elementary school in January). We will Work Monday and Tuesday and embark upon our lovely 24 hour drive Wednesday at 10:00 a.m. and Plan to return to Delmarva Christian High School Thursday morning around 10:00 a.m. If you wish to see us off or see us arrive home (which may not be a pretty sight after a 24 hour ride) you have the time and the place. We appreciate all financial and prayerful support you have given us. Continue to pray for our wellbeing and our impact on the gulf coast.