Friday, July 14, 2006

we are home!

Well it is ten p.m. and we are somewhere in Georgia. It is just indescribable how difficult it is to leave these people in such a position as they are in. They are in need of so much help that we could never do enough. We must leave knowing that what we did was awesome and amazing and pleasing in the Lord’s eyes. The first few days seemed to go so slowly, but then we are packing up. It seemed that we were missing a few days. A lot of the crew is speaking of the next trip and we haven’t even returned from the current trip. It feels like we left a lot of things undone when you walk away from a house that you have been working on and you do not see all the furniture replaced back in the bedrooms, but those of us that went in January got to see one of the houses that we worked on and when we entered, most of us were in disbelief. It was amazing how things were back in order. There were clothes in the closets that we hung drywall in, there was toothpaste on the counter in the bathroom, there was lights plugged in to the outlets we cut around, and there was the realization that what we are doing makes a big difference in people’s lives. It was weird because I felt like it was January again I felt I could see Mason working in the closet putting up drywall, I felt like Luke was covering nail holes in the bedroom, and I felt like I could all most hear Bryan running around joking with everyone. It was just an amazing experience seeing the finished product of what you have done. The ride home is long, tiring and is a little exciting to know that we are going to get home and see our family pets and our BEDS.

Well we all are now home and it is 9:35 Friday morning. We have seen our family and friends and have received some sleep. It is great to be home and again thanks for your continued support and keep posted to this website for more testimonials and more videos to come



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